All participating organisations will carry out in-house programs and also have their logos featured on all publicity and promotional campaigns undertaken for the awareness of the Customer Service Week.  During the in-house programs, companies have the opportunity to celebrate the CSW at their premises in their customer service centres. Inhouse programs may include but not limited to:

  • Customer service trainings
  • Customer related promotions
  • Decorating customer service areas
  • Rewarding key account customers
  • Top management serving customers
  • Employee fun day(Fun dressing, dress competitions, customer service reward programs)

Promotional campaigns will include but not limited to:

  • Street/Road March (companies are free to join )
  • Road shows
  • Billboards, posters, electronic and print adverts
  • Branded CSW t-shirts, shirts and other materials to use for in-house programmes
  • Participation certificates